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A moment of encouragement can change a life --- forever.

Think back just for a minute. Think back to someone who expressed confidence that you could achieve something. Think back to a moment when someone offered a healthy, sacred hug of encouragement. Think back to the time someone said: "You have some amazing skill." Think back to the mentor who declared: "You have all the makings of a great leader."


Of course you do, because those moments have extraordinary power to change lives.

Encouragement - "to give courage" - "to strengthen a heart".

Over five decades ago a teacher in my fifth grade class offered me a word of encouragement and a hug. In the midst of a stressful domestic life, that moment shines brightly for me. It was an oasis in a desert, a shelter from the storm.

Many decades later, I saw my teacher in a restaurant. I walked up to her and thanked her for her encouragement and kindness. It took her a while to recognize me (!) but she remembered the name. She is gone now, but the memory of her encouragement remains in my mind to this day.

I think of another time, another teacher. I was beginning my Bachelor's Degree studies and I doubted my ability to write. I recall (and still have!) a note of encouragement stating "You've underestimated your skill in writing." It was just the thing I needed to get me past my insecurity.

Anyone can encourage others.

If you are a teacher, a leader, a parent, a friend, a co-worker, a volunteer, a youth worker or anyone with a good and healthy relationship with another person you can encourage others to face difficulties, to move forward and to 'take heart'.

A sincere moment of encouragement can change a life forever. You may not know it at the time, but it is likely your words or subtle actions will help a person 'take heart' --- gain courage to move forward or simply fire up hope that things can be better and different in the future.

Encouraging others costs us nothing except a deep desire to see others succeed.

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