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"It can be done"

I am often struck by a sense of defeatism that strikes the hearts of so many when they encounter what seems to be an insurmountable obstacle. Yes, many things in our lives seem overwhelming --- at least at first. We become filled with anxiety, dread and paralyzed by fear.

I know; I've been there more than once. I have stood at my desk with my heart racing, adrenaline flooding my body and I have felt myself 'going under'. It is, no doubt, an extremely uncomfortable feeling. I know what it's like to sit in darkness, scared out of my mind on a couch at 2:00 AM and wonder how the next day was going to turn out.

"It can be done"

Yet the shock of the moment need not overwhelm us forever. I am convinced that even the greatest challenges can be overcome with determination and managing the situation step-by-step. I am confident in the phrase "It can be done." Whether it is a major crisis in a business or a church, or a hard situation in a family or marriage, or a dramatic financial loss, the belief "It can be done" gives us a sense of hope and fuels determination.

Occam's Razor

One of the tools I use is called "Occam's Razor". William of Occam (1287-1347) is famous for developing a philosophical tool which essentially says: "Look for the simplest solution." Although it's tough to do in a moment of panic or stress, finding the clearest path helps us to calm down.

Don't give up before you start.

Too often we are so overwhelmed we simply say, "Forget it, there's nothing I can do." But as someone who has seen tragedy, frustration and immense setbacks, I'll respond by saying "Don't give up before you start."

This is going to be difficult, but not impossible.

Yes, the challenge is going to be very tough. You may yell, cry, and throw something (don't hurt anyone!) But persist - break the problem down into small parts. Throw some cold water in your face. Do whatever you need to do --- but remember this: "It can be done".

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