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Small steps change lives - start now.

Along this path of life I have met those who, for many reasons, are completely unsatisfied with what they do every day. I have met doctors who wanted to be landscapers and white collar workers who wanted to be fishing and hunting guides. Conversely, I have met people in difficult and demanding jobs that paid very little and they demonstrated frustration in their situation. They begrudged those who had more than they had.

These are not uncommon circumstances. Many would be what they are not. Many feel stymied in their current condition. Worse, they feel there is no way to change it. But that is not true.

Change requires self-exertion and discipline - in other words, effort.

No matter how dire a situation can be, small steps can change a life. How many times have we heard of those with little means staying the course in small ways until their situation slowly turned to something better? Every effort may move the ball only inches toward the goal, but it is one step closer. Football is a strange analogy for life, demonstrating that strenuous effort is required to move forward against powerful obstacles, yet every gain is one step closer to a goal.

What can you change right now?

Perhaps you can begin to read a complex book on a subject that has meaning to your future goals? Maybe visit with someone who models what you want to be? Network with someone who has good advice and can provide counsel to help you along the way? Find someone to help with child care while you go to a night class. Engage them in your desire to make a change. The key is persistence along a path of one's own choosing.

Small steps can become great achievements. Start now.

No excuses, no self-justification, no rationalizing, no turning back. Move forward - by inches if necessary, but by all means, move forward.

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